I Hope You Can Limbo

I was in the middle of a debate. I had some convincing arguments prepared and a thorough list of pros and cons. It was concerning an important issue. Well, it was important to me anyway.

The debate was going on in my head. It was me versus me.
Doubting. Re-evaluating. Worrying.

I thought that getting out to run errands would give me a needed break from the stressful swirl of thoughts going round and round and round.

My favorite radio station was turned up. The sun was shining. YES! I felt my spirits lifting a little.

But my better mood was short-lived. I soon realized that I was missing even the best songs because my emotional brain wouldn't turn off. The same old debate continued. Ugh!

The next thing on my to-do list was to drop off some clothes at a nearby donation center.

I rang the bell so the attendant would open the big garage door. I heard the familiar noise and the door started to rise. Then it abruptly stopped, about three feet up! I just stood there, holding my cardboard box, not sure what to do.

The manager of the center walked out from a side door. As he approached, he looked me in the eyes. With a straight face and serious voice he said "I hope you can limbo, Ma'am."

Then he took my box out of my arms and we both started laughing. I replied, "Well, I think I can still limbo, but I can't go that low. I'm no spring chicken!"

"Oh sure you can! No problem! But we will still fix that door."

That very brief exchange was like a bit of magic for me. Somehow, I was able to put my mini-crisis away for awhile after that. I remember thinking Yep, that was cute. Laughing feels better! I've spent enough time overthinking. It's time to lighten up and let it go for today. 

I've recalled that small moment several times since it happened a couple of months ago. Did you know that a good life principle can be taken from a silly comment about the Limbo? I'm sure that sounds ridiculous, but...

One must be fairly flexible to squeeze under that pole, right? (How low can ya go?) When the going gets tough, the tough get flexible!

Being rigid increases the risk of getting stuck in obsessive, negative thinking. Some stretching might be required to a make a shift in attitude. But it's important!

There is a time for us to face our difficulties and deal with them, no matter how challenging they are. Adulting ain't for wimps!

But we all need to take a break sometimes to laugh, play and enjoy life.
It's called balance, Baby!
(I'm preaching to myself most of all.)

Flexibility and balance.
Both are necessary for good physical and mental health.

Then there are those unexpected gifts:
the people who cross our path right when we need them. I'm so grateful for those folks who are willing to share a smile and remind us that we can still limbo.

Limbo photo: Copyright: <a href='https://www.123rf.com/profile_william87'>william87 / 123RF Stock Photo</a>


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