Scary Campfire Story

Copyright: <a href=' kapu'>kapu / 123RF Stock Photo</a> Isn't it interesting how one little thing can trigger a very old memory? Then a chain of connected thoughts often follow. Oh the wonders of the human brain and emotions! My friend and I were recently discussing our gardens. He said that badgers gather in his every night to dig for roots and worms to eat. He sent me a couple photos of them. I was immediately transported back to my childhood in New Mexico- the first time I went to Girl Scout camp. I was in third grade. Our group of 8-9 year olds arrived about 4 pm that early summer's day. It was just the beginning of our 24-hour stay in the beautiful wooded campsite. It was located on a few acres of land that had been donated by a nearby dairy farm. That was the first camping trip for most of us. It was certainly the first time to have such a daring experience without our parents. So exciting and a little scary! ...