Love Showed Up

The tiny, hunched-over, age ninety-something woman was struggling. She had some food in front of her, but couldn't eat it. She needed assistance.

That was a scene I'll always remember from my brunch date with my husband last Sunday.

My heart had been heavy that previous week.

First, a child from our area had tragically drowned on Memorial Day. I didn't know her or her family, but the news of her loss was all over the local news and social media. I had been reminded daily of the shocking sadness.

Then we all learned that more innocent lives were destroyed in London. To be honest, it was upsetting, infuriating and depressing, but not shocking. Then I thought "This type of horror happens so often that we aren't very surprised by it anymore!" Dismay. Double-whammy!

On top of  all that, I was carrying the burden of a grudge around with me. I knew it wasn't good for my health, but I just wasn't ready to lay it down yet. That's not tragic, but oh, what an unpleasant and heavy distraction.

It's not that we didn't enjoy our meal. It was a beautiful morning and the sun was streaming in the windows. We joked around and laughed a little too. Gifts for the new day!
But still, I could sense that subtle, extra weight that just sat at the table with us. Like a big, invisible brick.

I was drinking my coffee when I saw a waitress chatting with the two elderly ladies. They were seated a few tables away from ours.

Before I looked away, that employee picked up a knife and fork and started cutting up the smaller, frailer woman's food. She smiled and laughed as she continued to converse with her white-haired patrons.

Now I am not one to become boo-hooey very easily, especially not in public. But when I saw that act of kindness, I was moved to tears. Not sobs, but I was quite emotional!

That young server could've been scurrying about, trying to earn more tips. Instead, she took the time to be gentle, kind and to truly serve.

Witnessing that scene was one of the best things that happened for me all week! It caused something profound to happen: love showed up! It kicked that heavy brick of gloom out of the chair, and sat down in its place.

Please arrive again soon, Love. I'll welcome your impromptu visit!
I'll do my best to recognize you, no matter how you might be dressed.
You can sit next to me, too.
Even if you do make me cry a little.


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