Bleb, Blob and Blib

Let me tell you about how my friend Blob made me feel better recently. So did Blib! There were other caring angel-friends too. This story is a closure to my last post. It's my final one for now about my eye surgeries and ongoing recovery. Please hang in there with me, because this is about so much more than medical problems. I posted this on Facebook during the first week of April: "Well Friends, I had another "first" yesterday since my eye surgeries. I was paying for my groceries at Walmart. The check-out young lady said "I don't mean to offend you but what is that thing in your eye?" I explained that it's scar tissue from a recent eye surgery. Yes, my bleb shows. It will probably always show. I'm not too thrilled about that, but at least it has a funny name. Bleb. Things could be so much worse though. " Here are a couple of responses that made me laugh initially, then inspired deeper thoughts... Friend One : " I just had...