The Versatile Blogger's Award, Part Two- My Recommendations

Now, last but not least, I'm sharing links to fifteen blogs that I highly recommend. (My list is quite varied in topics and writing styles). Paying it forward is one of the VBA rules, but I'd be proud to share these blogs anyway. These writers deserve more than a pretty green seal of approval- their work deserves to be read! You can find out more about the Versatile Blogger's Award here: Jovanhanna is a life strategist and mom with an amazing story. She's the founder of Positive Forward Movement. Mz G is a writer, artist. musician and more. Her inspiring blog encourages women over fifty to "live an electrifying second half". Harley King's Monday Morning Motivation will be valuable for your life every day, not just on Mondays! Noreen invites her readers to join her and her hubby on th...