So, What is Normal?

What is normal, exactly? Well, that's a complicated question because it depends on the season of life a person is in and so many other factors.

I've written before about life's seasons and how I think it's important to learn what you can during each one. There's a purpose for each stage of life!

I love these lines from one of my favorite old Seals and Crofts songs: " I wanna laugh while the laughing is easy. I wanna cry if it makes it worthwhile."

My story today is mostly on the lighter side. It's about this newish season of life that I entered a little over three years ago. Yep, I am now in the hood! Grandmotherhood. I have one granddaughter, whom I've affectionately nicknamed "Baby Girlfriend".  She is getting a new sister this summer!  

Baby Girlfriend came over to play with me yesterday afternoon. It was a nice day so we played ball in the backyard for a while. Then we came in and had a snack, followed by making beautiful art creations with paper, glitter glue and Christmas stickers. 

When her parents came to pick her up, they stayed to visit with me for a while. While we were catching up on recent events, our little artist came up to each of us, carefully placing a sticker in the middle of our foreheads. (She was wearing one too, of course.) 
We thanked her and continued our discussion. 

A couple of minutes later, I looked at my tall, handsome son-in-law and my gorgeous daughter, each with their Christmas stickers on their faces, and I had to laugh! I asked "Is it funny that we just continued yakking like normal, and we all have these stickers on our foreheads?" 
It's like it never even phased us at all. Doesn't everyone wear these?  
(Besides, I think my sparkly blue ice skates made me look fancy on my otherwise 
too-little-sleep, no makeup, stay-at-home day.)  

They said it's everyday life stuff to them. Yep! It was for me too, twenty five plus years ago when my daughter and her brother were little ones. Oh I remember!

In previous stories,  I referred to some of the dark and heavy times that I've been through in the past few years. Ah, becoming Amma was one huge blessing that happened in-between difficult events. My grandbaby was a gift of hope and joy like no other!

I'm so enjoying the new normals of my grandma season of life. It's changing fast as the families grow. I'm going to laugh while the laughing is easy...


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